Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Israel and the ethnic Jew

As an ethnic Jew, I am 100% in support of Israel's right to survive as a Jewish state. In it's efforts to survive and thrive, Israel sometimes makes mistakes, just as any country does. The Arabs have several Arab states and no-one seems to question their legitimacy. Why can't Jews have a state of their own? It appears that people just accept it as a fact that Arab countries are under all-Arab and mostly totalitarian control, with rampant persecution of non-Arabs and non-Muslims. However, Israel, which includes Arab members of parliament and gives indiginous Arabs virtually all citizenship rights except military service, seems to be judged much more harshly. Europeans, who have been shown in a recent survey by the Anti-Defamation League to harbor considerable antisemitism, seem to expect Israel to allow any Palestinian Arab who wants to move to Israel to be allowed to do so and be given full citizenship rights. That would be the end of Israel as a Jewish state as Arabs would quickly outnumber Jews. A state controlled by Jews is the best way for the Jewish people to ensure its survival. If an ill wind blows in other nations, a Jewish Israel will always provide a haven for Jews who have to escape persecution. In Europe during the diaspora, the Jewish people became a passive lot, almost totally incapable of mounting its own defense. In contrast, Israelis have developed a strong culture of self-defense and have become very adept militarily. As to who has a right to the land of Israel and its surroundings, the answer is whoever has the strength to fight for it and defend it. It's as simple as that. The land has been fought over for thousands of years and control over it has changed hands many, many times. There is no disputing that both Jews and non-Jews have lived there for millenia and control of the land has always been a matter of military strength. So why should that be different now? Arabs and Jews will always dispute ownership of the land, so control of it via military strength is the only option. Most Israelis have accepted the unfortunate fact that they will always have to fight for their land. Better to fight and lose some loved ones than to go to the slaughter like cattle.

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